Burstow Parish Council

01342 841880

Parish Council Policies & Procedures

The parish council’s approach to important matters are listed below. Policies are usually reviewed annually, generally at the Annual Meeting of the Council in May.

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Allotment Rules and Conditions

Allotment Rules and Conditions

BPC Financial Regulations

BPC Standing Orders

Centenary Hall Hire Conditions

Child Protection & Equal Opportunities Policy

Burstow Parish Council has agreed to adopt the Principles of Tandridge District Council’s Child Protection Policy and Equal Opportunities Policy.

Complaints Procedure

This procedure sets out how Burstow Parish Council will respond to expressions of dissatisfaction about facilities or services provided by the Council or persons or bodies acting on behalf of the Council.

Data Protection Act

Burstow Parish Council has registered as a data controller with the Information Commissioner who maintains a public register of data controllers.

Disciplinary Policy (staff)

The Council encourages all employees to achieve and maintain the highest standards of conduct and job performance. The policy aims to ensure consistent and fair treatment for all individuals.

Environmental Information Request

The Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) allows public access to information held by public authorities. The aim of the EIR is to ensure comprehensive access to environmental information.

Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) gives everyone the right to request any recorded information held by a Parish or Town council subject to exemptions and conditions laid down by law.

Grants Policy Guidelines and Application Form

To apply for a Community Grant please download the application form and follow the guidelines.

Grievance Policy

The Councils Policy sets out the arrangements for employees to raise their concerns, problems or complaints about their employment with the council. The policy will be applied fairly, consistently and in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.

Information and Data Protection Policy

The Council have adopted procedures to manage all data which it handles and will respect the confidentiality of both its own data and that belonging to partner organisations and members of the public.

Management of Transferable Data

This policy supports the controlled storage and transfer of information by Councillors and all employees, who have access to and use of computing equipment

Record Retention & Disposal Policy

This policy sets out the statutory requirements for the amount of time that certain records must be kept.

Social Media Policy

This policy sets out a Code of Practice used by the council when using social media.

Virtual Meeting Policy

This policy to assist Councillors and members of the public and press how to interact and use virtual meetings and to assist people to engage in debate and decision making.