Burstow Parish Council

01342 841880

Council Elections

Burstow Parish Council comprises of 11 councillors and full elections are held every four years. The next full elections will be held in May 2023.
Any vacancies in the council are normally filled via co-option, in which case acceptance as a Councillor will be at the discretion of the council. Sometimes a by-election may be held, but this is rare. 

We encourage any resident, from all backgrounds and experiences to think about whether they’d be interested in putting themselves forward as a Councillor when the opportunity arises.

Are you interested in becoming a Parish Councillor?

Perhaps you have been volunteering with us and observing, but you are now ready to take a seat? Or perhaps you are looking to learn something new, whilst making the area a better place for yourself and your neighbours?

What does a Parish Councillor do?

They are active and caring members of their community and they are the link between the Parish Council and the Electorate.

Click on the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) link to see their 'Make A Change Become A Councillor' web page and video: NALC Make A Change

How much time will be needed?

As a minimum and depending which Committee you sit on, you could be required to attend a meeting for a couple of hours at a Tuesday evening meeting, once every month.
There may be additional hours required if you put yourself forward for projects that you will help the Parish achieve its aims.

Benefits include:

  • Engaging further with your Community and being the voice to make a change

  • Continuous training is available which covers the various functions of the Council


Eligibility criteria

You must be at least 18 years old on the day of your nomination – AND –? be a British citizen, an eligible Commonwealth citizen or European Union citizen – AND –? meet at least ONE of the following FOUR qualifications:

  • A local government elector for the parish in which you wish to stand from the day of your nomination
  • You are an owner or tenant of land or premises in the parish for 12 months before the day of your nomination and the day of election
  • Your main or only place of work during these 12 months prior to the day of your nomination and the day of election has been in the parish
  • You have lived in the parish or within three miles of it during the whole of the 12 months before the day of your nomination and the day of election.

The Nolan Principles – The Seven Principles of Public Life

This document describes the basic conduct that councillor should adheres to, and can be found here: The Nolan Principles

How do I apply to become a Councillor?

Further information can be found on the Tandridge District Council’s websites here: Voting and elections

Good Councillors Guide 2024

The previous 2018 guide has been now been updated, and this useful guide on how councils work is available to download with the link below

The Good Councillors guide 2024